3 Common Mistakes in Digital Marketing That Could Hurt Your Business

Website Design: what you need to know
28th June 2019
Website Design: what you need to know
28th June 2019

There are a few glaring digital marketing faux pas that crops up everywhere, from social media to email campaigns, over and over again. But even the most experienced and successful marketers do not know that these mistakes could hurt their business. Unfortunately what could seem like a small mistake to you could be costing your business thousands of dollars — a price most early-stage startups can’t afford to pay. Here are three common mistakes that you should avoid like the plague.

Not Having A Mobile-Friendly Website

The first mistake that most businesses make in digital marketing is not having a mobile-friendly website. Neil Patel calls this ‘Forgetting about mobile users.’ Mobile-optimising your website is crucial for your business. More than 50% of all website traffic now comes from mobile devices. 

With mobile internet usage overtaking desktop usage, your website must be able to be viewed easily on mobile devices. Mobile devices are a huge part of how people access the internet today. Your website must be mobile-friendly to keep your users engaged. Even if you have a small business website, it’s important to make sure that it’s mobile-friendly.

You may have noticed that Google has been rolling out this new update, called Mobilegeddon. The update is designed to make sure that websites that are mobile-friendly rank higher in mobile searches.

Targeting anyone

When it comes to digital marketing, you need to focus on your audience and not on anyone who has internet access. You should never focus your efforts on targeting anyone. Instead, you should focus on targeting the right people. 

It’s important to remember that your digital marketing efforts are meant to attract the right people, not just anybody. If you’re trying to get your message to everyone, you’ll end up attracting everyone and your message will get lost in the noise.

Targeting anyone is a waste of time, energy, and money because you’re throwing your efforts into a big black hole.

Taking too many strategies without enough resources

 One of the worst digital marketing mistakes to make is taking on too many strategies without properly resourcing them. This includes not having enough time to implement a strategy or not having enough budget to commit to it.

Taking on too many strategies at once may seem like a good idea at the time, but it can hurt your business in the long run. It’s important to spend the right amount of time on the right strategy at the right time.

Having a strategy is great, but unless you have the right resources to execute it, it’s not going to do you any good. If you’re going to create a strategy for your digital marketing, you need to make sure you have the right resources to execute it the right way.

Digital marketing is an ever-changing ecosystem and as such, it’s important to keep up with the times and make adjustments to your strategy as needed. If you find yourself making the same mistakes over and over again, then it’s time to stop doing those things and implement new strategies instead.

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